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Build your body structure through balance of , strength , mobility and flexibility
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A strong core will help maintain balance, reduce back pain and risk of falling
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Improve your quality of life through positive thinking, reducing stress and anxiety
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Today, life has become so monotonous and routine. We find ourselves busy every hour doing either personal or professional tasks. At the end of the day when we reflect on the day we start wondering where did the “me” time go. In the middle of all that craziness we struggle to find sometime to keep ourselves fit. Earlier, we used to be physically active, be it going outdoors and playing or doing our household chores. Today, the sedentary life style has taken over leading to stress, anxiety and physical ailments. 

Unless we are physically fit we are not going to have enough energy to deal with the expectations of our daily life. Bending to pick up heavy items off the floor, turning around to see over the shoulders, long hours of sitting in front of the computers all exerts pressure on our body in subtle and not so subtle ways. Hence, it is important for us to build in that flexibility and mobility to relax our muscles and build our core. 

A proper core helps build that balance and stability so we can do the daily tasks without much of discomfort. Pilates is a system of exercise aimed at building the core strength, correcting postures, building muscular strength that helps us in effective movements.

Research says about 80% of the population will experience or has experienced mild to acute neck and back problems due to incorrect posture and over working of muscles.

What is Yoga Pilates, anyway?

Yoga Pilates is a fusion of Yoga, an ancient tradition rooted in India. It combines physical poses (asanas) with breathing movements (pranayama) for flexibility and Pilates, a low impact controlled movements focusing on building core strength that brings stability and balance, flexibility and builds muscular strength.

Each Yoga Pilates session typically is for about 45 minutes and can be done from the comfort of your home. The sessions are online and there is no need to buy any expensive equipment.

Although Pilates is primarily meant for building the core strength it helps in exercising all parts of your body, torso, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, hip and waist. It is a full body workout that helps in body-mind-soul alignment.

Personal Training Program

Group Training Program

A personal training program is encouraged when you are going through post partum depression, it has been a long time since you have exercised, you are having severe neck, back or other pains which may slow you down when exercising in a group.

Our group sessions happens thrice a week. We mix our routines to bring variety to our programs. Work out in a group whether in-person or online always brings in more energy and motivates each other.

What are the benefits of Yoga Pilates?

Yoga Pilates is a progressive exercise that requires consistency in practice to see the benefits. Some clients start to see benefits as early as three weeks and for some it may take longer. Please note this is not a competition since each body behaves differently. 

What is important is to listen to your body and be present. Here are some benefits.


Improve Your Posture


Build Core Strength


Decrease Back Pain And Injuries


Create Body Awareness


Enhance Energy Levels


Increase Flexibility And Mobility

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Improve Stability And Balance

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The fastest way to reach us is by sending a WhatsApp message.

Business Hours :
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Mon – Fri

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